
Friday, November 18, 2011

广东转型升级 再饮“头啖汤”

广东转型升级 再饮 美债危机的警报犹在耳边,欧债危机又在向多国扩散。 身处改革开放前沿的广东,最先感受到国际经济危机的冲击。而不管市场如何波涛汹涌,广东坚持结构调整不放松,率先转型,加快转型,"今天不主动调结构,明天就要被市场 ... 广东转型升级 再饮"头啖汤"

Egypt: Police, protesters in bloody clash ahead of vote

Egypt: Police, protesters in bloody clash ahead of vote Khalil Hamra / AP Protesters help a wounded man during clashes with Egyptian riot police in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Saturday. By AYA BATRAWY CAIRO — Egyptian riot police firing tear gas and rubber bullets stormed into Cairo's Tahrir Square Saturday ... Egypt: Police, protesters in bloody clash ahead of vote

Republicans seek Iowa social conservatives' nod

Republicans seek Iowa social conservatives' nod DES MOINES, Iowa - Most of the Republican presidential candidates, with the notable exception of Mitt Romney, set their sights on early-voting Iowa for a discussion on the role of religious faith in public life, ... Republicans seek Iowa social conservatives' nod

Esplode fabbrica di botti ferito il proprietario

Esplode fabbrica di botti ferito il proprietario Il titolare colpito alle testa da alcune pietre. Distrutti tre dei cinque gabbiotti di cui si componeva la struttura Tre dei cinque gabbiotti in legno e ferro di una fabbrica di fuochi d'artificio di Villa Literno, in località Madonna del Pantano, ... Esplode fabbrica di botti ferito il proprietario

Politie valt binnen bij Turkse voetbalbond

Politie valt binnen bij Turkse voetbalbond ISTANBUL - De Turkse politie heeft een inval gedaan op de burelen van de Turkse voetbalbond TFF. Daarbij werd vicepresident Goksel Gumusdag meegenomen voor verhoor, zo meldde persbureau Anatolia. De inval zou te maken hebben met een eerder ... Politie valt binnen bij Turkse voetbalbond

Oprah making TV comeback with new show 'Next Chapter'

Oprah making TV comeback with new show 'Next Chapter' New York: Oprah Winfrey is debuting a new television program in January with her new series `Oprah's Next Chapter` that will air on her cable network, the channel said Friday. In the new series, the media mogul will step "outside of the studio for some ... Oprah making TV comeback with new show 'Next Chapter'

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