
Tuesday, October 25, 2011


中銀按季少賺1% 【明報專訊】中銀香港(2388)公布首9個月業績,剔除雷曼迷債影響,撥備前經營溢利按年升18.6%至152.3億元,由於中銀半年純利仍有逾三成增長,反映第三季業務明顯放緩。第三季經營溢利按季跌0.7%,主要是因為中銀保險的投資組合要作減值撥備。 計及第二季雷曼迷債抵押品 ... 中銀按季少賺1%

גביע הטוטו: קרית שמונה ניצחה 0:3 את מ.ס. אשדוד

גביע הטוטו: קרית שמונה ניצחה 0:3 את מ.ס. אשדוד שתי הקבוצות המפתיעות של המחזור האחרון בליגת העל, עירוני קרית שמונה, שהביסה את מכבי חיפה ומ.ס. אשדוד, שגברה על הפועל תל אביב, נפגשו הערב (רביעי) למשחק רבע גמר גביע הטוטו, על הזכות להגיע לאצטדיון רמת גן. כרגיל בגביע הטוטו, ההרכבים היו מלאים במחליפים, ... גביע הטוטו: קרית שמונה ניצחה 0:3 את מ.ס. אשדוד

76 yen level early buying dollar market dominance NY

76 yen level early buying dollar market dominance NY The 差Shi掛Katsu dollar late in the NY times has risen to around 76.25, which is seen in the movement of the yen. European summit ends and noted that the EU, moving to the euro area summit. Also transmitted in the eurozone summit draft statement seen little movement of the appetite for risk, are reportedly also bought back dollar.76 yen level early buying dollar market dominance NY

Un jeu politique pas si monocolore

Un jeu politique pas si monocolore plus d'info, plus de contenus, plus de supports, avec: votre journal complet où vous voulez et quand vous voulez, mais également des contenus exclusifs, des dossiers, des avantages abonnés ... Je m'abonne L'intégralité du journal et ses suppléments dès ... Un jeu politique pas si monocolore

PARIS - Mediator: le Sénat débat de la réforme du contrôle des médicaments

PARIS - Mediator: le Sénat débat de la réforme du contrôle des médicaments PARIS - Le Sénat a commencé mercredi à débattre du projet de loi renforçant le contrôle des médicaments, voté par les députés début octobre, et dont l'ambition est d'empêcher la réédition du scandale du Mediator du laboratoire Servier, qui aurait fait ... PARIS - Mediator: le Sénat débat de la réforme du contrôle des médicaments

World Design Congress concluded the results were positive

World Design Congress concluded the results were positive Taipei World Design Congress closing ceremony held today, the MOEA Industrial Development Bureau, said the results quite fruitful, and access to foreign leaders is certainly designed to support industry, government spared no effort, and provide business development of good design environment. The Taipei World Design Congress activities, a total of from 21 countries, 130 came from different areas of industry leaders to share a variety of design trends, plus up to 37 ...World Design Congress concluded the results were positive


量縮觀望_新台幣收平盤 市場上對歐債危機解決方案疑慮四起,台北外匯市場今天觀望氣氛濃,新台幣兌美元匯率狹幅盤整,終場以30.125元作收,收平盤,台北及元太外匯經紀公司總成交量縮至9.05億美元。 匯銀人士指出,外資在台北股匯市呈觀望態勢,台股今漲44點,外資及陸資微幅買超台股新台幣4.87 ... 量縮觀望_新台幣收平盤

Good transport futures: corn fluctuated around a greater impact

Good transport futures: corn fluctuated around a greater impact CBOT corn futures fell slightly on Tuesday, despite optimistic expectations the European market debt crisis solutions will be introduced, and there are signs that China's economic growth is good, but a stronger dollar weighed on the market. European leaders in their efforts to reach agreement to resolve the debt crisis, a report that France and Germany close to agreement, the final decision on the EU summit expected to be announced Wednesday. This week the overall U.S. corn and soybean harvest will be ...Good transport futures: corn fluctuated around a greater impact

Olimpia, el último “tren” de Motagua

Olimpia, el último TEGUCIGALPA.- Colero de la clasificación, segunda defensa más goleada y un pobre ataque que apenas suma 10 anotaciones en trece fechas, son números de equipo chico y sin tradición; pero esta es la triste realidad de un Motagua cuyos futbolistas no se ... Olimpia, el último "tren" de Motagua

Windows XP十周年 微软呼吁用户换Win7

Windows XP十周年 微软呼吁用户换Win7 Windows XP刚刚度过10周岁生日,但微软希望它尽快消失。但要做到这一点,微软需要动员数百万用户更换Win7甚至Win8。 Windows XP更新换代正稳步推进,但微软想加快步伐。根据分析公司Net Application的统计,2011年9月 ... Windows XP十周年 微软呼吁用户换Win7

Golden Man media experience on Hong County held a grand

Golden Man media experience on Hong County held a grand In October, the hot region is located in Daxing Huangcun project Golden Man Hong County on October 25 at 14:00-17:00 in the sales office at the theme of "Valley City Man fragrant golden Beijing Sheng-hsiang," Day of media experience, inviting the capital to visit about 30 more than the mainstream media experience. Also held during the event "just under the purchase ...Golden Man media experience on Hong County held a grand

首份内银三季报业绩靓丽 重庆农商行净利增44%

首份内银三季报业绩靓丽 重庆农商行净利增44% 中国证券网讯(记者 严洲) 重庆农村商业银行(03618.HK)公布的三季报显示,7-9月归属公司股东净利润10.6亿元(人民币),同比增长44.22%,不派息。前9月归属公司股东净利润为32.98亿元,同比增37%。 三季报还显示,截至9月 ... 首份内银三季报业绩靓丽 重庆农商行净利增44%

"SOE performance" fuel prices Huaneng Power <00902.HK> third quarter net profit fell 79%

"SOE performance" fuel prices Huaneng Power <00902.HK> third quarter net profit fell 79% Huaneng Power <00902.HK> reported third quarter operating income of 35.757 billion yuan (same below), the annual increase of 28%. However, because fuel prices and interest rates of RMB loans recorded a net profit was 79.3% back to 232 million yuan, earnings per share 2. The first three quarters of total income 99.811 billion yuan, up 30%. Back net profit 55.2% to 14.1 million, earnings per share of 10 points. ..."SOE performance" fuel prices Huaneng Power <00902.HK> third quarter net profit fell 79%


神马股份:2011年10月26日最新提示,中年报公告,(600810) 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与和讯网无关。和讯网站对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证。请读者仅作参考,并请自行承担全部责任。 神马股份:2011年10月26日最新提示,中年报公告,(600810)

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